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Vintage CSL Czech Czechoslovak Peoples Political Party Czech Flag Brooch Pin Badge

Vintage CSL Czech Czechoslovak Peoples Political Party Czech Flag Brooch Pin Badge

Regular price £10.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £10.00 GBP
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  • Československá strana lidová (ČSL) was created in January 1919 in Prague, reuniting the Catholic parties, and Jan Šrámek was selected as its chairman. In 1921, ČSL entered the government of Czechoslovakia, and was subsequently part of governing coalitions.

    After the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, Šrámek served as head of Czechoslovak government in exile (in the United Kingdom). After 1945, ČSL was part of the national unity government, forming its most right-wing section. When the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia took over all power in February 1948, many ČSL officials were imprisoned. The party lost any real influence and was kept as a de facto puppet of Moscow-aligned communists (see National Front). In turn, it was allowed to keep a token presence of ČSL in government until 1989.

  • Featuring the familiar Czech flag logo.
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