Collection: International Women's Day and Women's Unions


Cesky Svaz Zen

After the communist takeover of Czechoslovakia in 1948, the Soviet Union introduced a new feminist organisation in 1950 called the Český svaz žen (ČSŽ) which closely matched feminist organisations that had existed in pre-socialist times. 

Originally formed by mandate of the National Socialist Party the ČSŽ produced a monthly magazine, called Vlasta, available at news stands up until the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The organisation exists to this day as an NGO that organizes seminars, workshops and conferences.

International Women's Day (Mezinárodní den žen - MDŽ) has a longer tradition, dating back to the turn of the 20th century. For an accurate history of its origins you'd do well to read the United Nations official page.

Background | International Women's Day | United Nations

and this well researched piece from The Swedish Labour Movement.

International Women’s Day: A Prism for Women’s Political Work - Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek (